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Leaders in our field, we offer pragmatic solutions, ruthless efficiency and unrivalled expertise. We specialise in unlocking complex construction schemes swiftly, facilitating development projects of all sizes, and in all sectors, throughout England & Wales.

We’re as proficient working on behalf of developers as we are adjoining owners, seeking to protect their assets. We put value, environmental impact & relationships at the heart of everything we do.


Our Services

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Working with project managers, architects, contractors & individual developers we help steer the design team through this often-complex area of property law to ensure projects are delivered on time, with clear progress and information updates.

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Adjoining Owners

Acting on your behalf we ensure that adjoining notifiable works are undertaken with the minimum amount of inconvenience and produce detailed schedules of condition ensuring assets are protected and the rights of occupants properly considered.

Crane Close Up

Other Neighbourly Matters

Where required we can assist with negotiation of access agreements, prepare reports on neighbourly matters, provide expert advice on boundaries and undertake schedules of condition of adjoining premises and highways.

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About Us

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Every aspect of our work is delivered by chartered building surveyors who are specialists in the field of party walls & neighbourly matters. We pride ourselves on the commerciality and pragmatism of our advice, as well as our ability to explain clearly and to support our clients every step of the way.

Our innovative and solution based approach ensures that the single point of contact assigned to your project makes your instruction a success.   


James Adam



Free CPD Party Wall Seminars

Home: Testimonials


Working with glow is always a pleasure. Their expertise and knowledge are second to none, never failing to find a solution or outcome to help the project along. A very professional team as a whole and highly recommended. 

Lauren Briggs - Director at SOSA Architects


Contact Us

Glow Building Consultancy
7 Bell Yard 
London WC2A 2JR

+44 (0)203 633 9983



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